跟我們有爭執的人竟然都是跟我們最親密的人,而能夠 跟我們發生爭執的人也對我們有一定的瞭解,所以有人常 說 『吵架』也是一種溝通,而願意跟你吵架的人,才是真正想瞭解你的人。
『通常願意留下來跟你爭吵的人,才是真正愛你的人。』 若能從吵架中表達出自己的想法~~總比大家把話悶在心裡都不 說出來的好,
"發生爭執時會說 『算了』,或者『不說 了』,這兩句話其實都是殺傷力很強的話,代表著你不想把你的想法跟他說 ,不想讓對方瞭解你,也代表你們的感情會停留在原地。"
i copied those words from somebody's blog, which i got a lot of message from it. Actually i know the theory long time ago. But, recently there was really a gap between he and me.I found no way to solve the problem that occured due to his un-coperation.
Yesterday we went for a movie. Before that, a big argue/ fight happened in the car. That wasn't a rare thing happen already. Something should be curious about if there was nothing happened on us.
Don't know why...the boy started to complaint about me. Not about my feature look; but my characteristic. I knew that i got problem in my characterstic so called "attitude" . But i have no changed like as what u thought about me.
You started thinking me in the another way....
you always judge me with another point of look....
All the things you tried to describe about me all was A FALSE !!! utterly wrong !!!
I not a girl being like as what u said...!
i'm not complex as you'd thought....!
You're not good in detect what the girlfriend want and feeling, that's why the girlfriend show her face on you .
As what the survey had taught, we should not over-estimate that your man as they could read your's mind and feeling. That was just a big foolish ever....A silly action ever to expect your man would do whatever that you'd thought...!
人天生就是不一樣.這句話讓我突然領悟了很多事..因為不一樣~ 自然而然每 個人所看的所想的也不會相同不要怪別人不夠 懂你~~~ 換個立場~~其實我們也不敢說 自己有多了解他人"
The final conclusion is.....we need Communication
i knew since very long time ago.
Last time, when any thing that was happenned he could be the first tried to talk with me. And i'm always the one who complaint about his power of nagging. But now....i feel that he already fed up with me.....
he rather keep his mouth shut while the war is keep going in the pathway.
發生爭執時會說 『算了』,或者『不說 了』,這兩句話其實都是殺傷力很強的話,代表著你不想把你的想法跟他說 ,不想讓對方瞭解你,也代表你們的感情會停留在原地。
you always talked the 2 words above and it did show that you had give up on me.
i scare......
i worry........
Sometime i also feel tired to maintain this relationship.....
because "LOVE" not a side.....is both side....how can it improve without the co-operate from another part
Now is my partner doesn't want to communicate with me. Not me.....i feel so helpless in this relationship.
無聲" 是一種無形的、最遠的距離,
4 years relationship is just futility like that
it's the time for us to think properly .
should we xxxxx???
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