I hate QM.
new syallabus,new formula,new lecturer
we're the first group of student=domestic rat
lecturer is not good in teaching
the formula is so long and complicated,
the answer given is confusing,
his 2 like 7 , and 8 like 0
and he likes to use the white board to block student's vision !
he's not good in teaching,because he's a newbie
Yea, Mr.Tommy is a newbie in teaching !
i never worry of my studies like now.
Worries. i worry he gives the wrong answer to us and we'll studying the wrong thing ! Then i get bad result in TEST & MID-TERM again then FAILED then retake. THIS MIGHT BE THE WORST AND TERRIBLE NIGHTMARE EVER IN MY LIFE !
my diet journey start from today
jogging 16min.
hula hoop 15min
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