* * *29th March was my lovely mama big day !
i bought her favourite cheeese cake,not many,just 2 slidess.
happy birthday....* * *
Finally i have finished 2 presentation and most of the assignment.....
just left 2 most heavy one haven't finished only >.<" both are Final project and the due day is on NEXT WEEK....thump up!
not easy, it's about cut cut, paste paste, measure measure, draw draw and think think
my beloved Ji-mui have our time in cafe to get the works done, we chosse to do the project in individual instead.....that's why it's so stressing.
yesterday saw many of my coursemate have done their project and goin to pass up soon.
OMG! i just on my half way okay....
they're so efficiency >.<
shirleywong, you have to hurry up liaooo~
For the basic photography's final project................
i'm still no idea what topis to choose, and
i got such a long time didnt touch on my DSLR already ! Currently it's out of battery laying in the bag
it's dead.... (x.x)
it's final project,shirleywong ! thump up!
Congrat to myself, i'm partially broke now....
no working, but keep wothdrawing money...that's why
and finally exam coming, after exam thinking about trip again....
then will be officially broke
thumps up !!
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