Friday, October 31, 2008

Film and ART mid-term

Yeah ~~~
i have succeed my Film and art !!!
i can get rid from this subject for several weeks....
yeah yeah yeah ~~~
I noticed that my sis whose studying in private secondary school already finished learning My syallabus of Film and Art...The Only difference is They no study Film~~
WANNA pay a salute to them...
i learnt it at my college. On the other hand, they learnt IN form2.
I felt quite easy to the questions, because i used 3 days of my lovely holidays eat everything that contain in the notes !!! viomit !!! perhaps i can get a not bad result for it.
Yeah, AS what dar's promise,he would take leave on wednesday because he had already hit his target for this month that his boss specially setted for him. And Dar reached the target more than enough.
Good dar....
we put our effort in different way...But we have a same goal to target. ^^
gampateh !!!
I have my class finished on 10am. i Got 6 hours free time.'s too early for dar, but he was manage to pick me also. So i bring him to my home to have a nap...he sleep sweetly.
i purposely gv him some hours to sleep to regain his energy, because later i need him to wait for me to attend the class for an hours outside the campus.

I setted alarm on 2pm....then we manage to take our lunch outside the campus. Fortunately, we found a parking and fortuntely the place is under the tree. Yeah....
After lunch, i suppose to bring dar to somewhere to wait me for an hour, but we change our mind after received Jiawen msg that she was located in MPh hall .Without hesitate Dar go to our campus Mph hall to play basketball...^^ good idea~~~
i think the best place to put him.....
Yea~~~ Dar addictted to this place....
he Goin to come every friday while waiting my clacc finished. OMg....

Then, we Go night market....We bought quite load of thing tat day. whoot~~~ i Get stg nice and cheap there. Damn satisfied.

Lastly, i will always pay a visit to turtle stall....aLOt of cute babies turtle...But i really not goin to buy one again.....The died of mine turtle really bring unforgetable sadness in my life.

i saw my turtle's friendzz...on the way home.
adorable doggie
i wanna named it as "bulu"
can i ??