Friday, August 15, 2008


feeling very bad now. I hate myself for being too easy cry !Hate Myself to being so stupid !!!
did wrong>cry did wrong>cry
Hate it !!!
i'm not a little girl again !!! can i be more mature???
i did something embrassing## i made shame on my dar and myself !!! and i cried for it again...althought it is useless to cry, but my tears dropped again !
Cry wat??? Rubbish !
unable to determined my dearest voice, said the important word XXX to another guy.
How can i be so stupid???
Cry sure annoying my dar. I thought i was staunch enough last time, never depending on anyone when i'm in far, i couldn't .
Everything i also need my dar help...everything i dare not to do, i sure ask my dar to do for me....i always push my dar to the dangerous side ! Never care for his feeling...
i COULD NOT done every simple thing also....everthing also failed failed failed...
Even my job anyone alike me??? the job goin on , but ran back about the little wronged??? then, went to dar place showing him MY USELESS with my foolish face???
Driving test also failed....made my parents sinless wasted the money .
about just now, i feeling very guity about that.
i'm really did not know that guy is not *you*
made you sad again
so--------------rry ~